Wednesday 31 August 2011

Seven Dead at Monto

Seven Dead. Monto Water Rats. A Thursday evening. The obligatory, bad habit, burger en-route and lots of very loud music. When Joe (lead singer) asked me to pop along to take some pictures, I asked, ‘Will my ears bleed?’ His response was an unequivocal, ‘Yes’ followed by, ‘I will bring you Daisy’s (Joe’s little girls) headphones to prevent ear bleed’. I must say either Joe overplayed the ’bleed’ effect or my ears have become far too accustomed to ‘bleeding’. I think the later sadly. No need for Daisy’s headphones (my ear plugs are currently in use by my 2yr old nephew…Love all the rock and roll kiddies out there!) and my ears are still intact. The last time I saw Joe was on drums. The time before that he was on bass, and this time he is lead singer and guitarist. Is there no end to this man’s talents?!

It was great to see Kerim again and meet Seven Dead drummer, Merlin. Apt name as Joe was previously in the band Merlins. Let’s hope there isn’t the same freakiness with the current name ‘ey?!
Their set was great and it was good being back at Water Rats again. The burger was bad though. Very, very bad!  

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