As it is the month of love and a rather grey Monday morning, I can think of nothing more fitting (and uplifting) then a little post about
Paul and Mary.
Paul and Mary have it all! They have a cat, some
nifty DIY skills (anyone who has the patience for ‘cutting in’ without masking
tape is a genius in my book), they're gorgeous, witty, bright as buttons, they
don a unique and rather fabulous style, they have wonderful friends and family and
of the utmost importance, they have
each other. Ahhhh I hear you coo. Well yes! Coo indeed! These two are ace! And
then if that wasn't enough, they chose Wilton's Music Hall for their wedding,
which of course means I love them a little more.
been two years since I last graced the boards at Wiltons Music Hall (note the
elevation of my position here – I really wanted to be an actor ;-) and it was
with a happy heart that I returned two weeks ago for the following list of
Little touches like entering the room together –
no-one was giving no-one away - they
were doing it together! And old photos from family weddings were displayed on their
gift table and some must have dated back to the invention of photography – they
were a beautiful addition. There were no wedding favours on the tables per se,
but under the guise of a food raffles. Clever scamps! Everyone had a number and
the correlating number was your gift. It could range from porridge oats to
Oregano to a tub of butter – all the ingredients to make up their favourite
dishes. I will say the kid who got the porridge oats looked rather perplexed,
but he enjoyed putting them on his head. Who wouldn’t?!
Delicious tapas nudged the standard wedding fare
off the table and it was very yummy indeed! The Golden Ball rattles (they’re egg
shape really but of course Golden Balls sound better) were a lovely touch. The
guests were given them as they arrived to shake during the ceremony. When
dangling off the balcony about to shoot a big group shot, I yelled down, ‘Hands
in the air and a big cheer please everyone woo hoo.’ Doh! Then I remembered, ‘Hands in the air and shake your golden
ball thingies please people – YAY’ …rattle rattle rattle - Another excellent
addition to a wedding me thinks.
Paul - Burgundy. Velvet. Suit. AMAZING.’ That’s
all I need to say in that department. And lest we forget the beautiful and most
glamourous bride… a vision is antique gold with the wit and humour of a really,
really, really clever funny person. I think they both come from super clever
families. In fact, I think everyone was clever at this wedding. Except maybe me
and the kid who puts porridge on his head… who knows! I digress….
They both did a little speech and I’m sure there must
have been a competition on whose speech would get the most laughs. Well, they
both won. If the tog laughs, you can be safe in the knowledge you’re pretty
funny people. When Paul said the ‘What’s under the bonnet?’ comment and it was met with a chorus of ‘Spanks!’... it was side-splitting.Thank God for auto-focus!
Big claps must also go to ‘Chief of Staff’ Katie – she did an excellent job and an equally impressive and heartfelt
speech. The best men also deserve a mention… they were hilarious! Of note, the Manchester
United diary and that amazing poem. Bravo chaps... bravo!
So to finish, Paul and Mary I think you are
absolutely perfect for each other. A unique and brilliant couple, you are truly
blessed. I’m sure you sit around, DIYing and generally laughing a lot at each
other… what a wonderful time your cat must have laughing with you both.
I loved shooting your wedding - you were all
such fun and so very welcoming and easy to work with. I felt like one of your
guests and that’s very indicative of your generous and lovely personalities,
and for that I tip my hat to you!
I wish you all the fabulous things that life has
to offer… may it continue to be full of laughter, an ocean of love, DIY heaven and remember… if ever in doubt,
look regal and shake your balls! (Sorry Your Honour ;-)
My love and best wishes to you both,
Loukie xx
Ooh and happy Valentines to one and all... xx

1 comment:
Wonderfully evocative photographs, Loukia. Thank you for bringing back the magic of the day. (From the bloke with the grey three-piece and the dodgy haircut)
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