Back to Brighton (one of my many spiritual homes) or ‘Hove actually’ as all the Hovites would say, for the wedding of Hamish and Jo… the newly appointed Mr and Mrs Kent.
I have known Hamish for a few years as we originally met through very good mutual friends, so I was delighted to be asked to shoot their day as, firstly, they’re a great couple and, secondly, I would know a lot of the guests. Always a cheeky bonus as they’re usually (pre-drinks, of course) pretty willing to lend a hand. At this wedding my thanks must go to Rowan, Hamish’s little (and I quote) ‘better-looking’ brother ;-) for holding my light stand in what was a pretty blustery seafront.
The service at St. John the Baptist Church was wonderful and, I must say, Paul has to be one of the loveliest vicars I have met. Instead of the sometimes stern stare and being told to go long, I was greeted with a beaming smile and told I could do whatever I pleased. Marvellous. Big up, Reverend Paul! Mum of the bride, also called Jo, walked her daughter into the church and looked so very proud. They have a really close relationship and it's lovely to see.
Jo looked ever the beautiful bride, and if smiles could speak, hers would say that she was possibly the happiest and luckiest girl alive. She ‘bagged her man’ and Hamish the handsome groom ‘had bagged his beautiful best friend’.
The speeches at the reception were funny, heartfelt and I was massively impressed with Jo delivering one. Anyone who knows me knows I love giving a good speech (possibly omit ‘good’ if you’ve heard one), but I so love it when I hear a little bride speech. Especially when she’s telling her husband just how much she loves him, how happy he makes her and how 'it takes a strong man to withstand her ruthless banter'. It’s magic.
The speeches at the reception were funny, heartfelt and I was massively impressed with Jo delivering one. Anyone who knows me knows I love giving a good speech (possibly omit ‘good’ if you’ve heard one), but I so love it when I hear a little bride speech. Especially when she’s telling her husband just how much she loves him, how happy he makes her and how 'it takes a strong man to withstand her ruthless banter'. It’s magic.
Jo and Hamish spoke honestly and from the heart and it’s always a special thing to witness. And Rowan. the best man, did an excellent job of gently berating his big brother while showing just how proud and happy he is for him.
The couple are great fun and were a real pleasure to work with. They allocated loads of time to the personal shots, which makes my job so much easier and much more fun. So for that, I take my hat off to you both!
The only thing I didn’t appreciate was my measly 5ft5in demeanour and their 20zill5mill stature. Yes, they tower over me so my little toes got a good work out getting on their tips.
So to Mrs and Mrs Kent, I wish you both the very best for your future together, I hope you will be beaming those smiles for years to come and hopefully the photos will help you along the way and remind you just how gorgeous you were. Not that you won’t be when you’re old and grey, but y’know. ;-)
I hope you enjoyed the 'familymoon' with Rowan, Tracey and little Lachie, and that they got home safe and sound to regale the stories of love, laughter and happiness on your wedding day.
My love and best wishes to you both.
Loukie xx