Lots of baguettes. For the sword fight. Check.
A massive Chateau. Check.
Petanque. Check.
One utterly beautiful and lovely bride. Check.
One dashing groom. Check.
Love and happiness. Deeerrr. Check.
8 Shades of Grey. Check.
8 Shades of Grey. Check.
Nat and Jules. Check.
Milner. Check.
The others. Check.
The off-spring. Check.
The French phrase book? Hmmmm…
So when you choose your master of ceremonies at an Anglo-French wedding, you're going to choose someone who speaks French right? Ahhhhhh non.
'Ou est donde esta das francais phrase book?' Said Milner just before his speech, followed by 'Bon jaw no... je m'pell a Milner, je habit a in Shalford, dans le soooood de long le ter'- I have used a little artistic license here, but well... not really.
Upholding his duties with the utmost hilarity and professionalism even when giving a speech in a foreign tongue and being usurped by the annoying photographer shouting her head off (that's me for anyone in doubt), Milner pulled off a little beauty of an intro and got the speeches off to a cracking start. I don’t think I have ever seen Jake laugh so hard (see pic). No one has ever laughed so hard. Ever.
Rebecca had many in tears with her beautifully eloquent, funny and heartfelt speech and of course, I cried... as per. Then there was a speech by Matt, her father Richard, best man Alex and her sister Josephine - you'd think they'd all taken classes in comedy because each one had people in hysterics and openly swallowing flies (sorry Jake ;-)) they were just brilliant and ridiculously entertaining.
So when you choose your master of ceremonies at an Anglo-French wedding, you're going to choose someone who speaks French right? Ahhhhhh non.
'Ou est donde esta das francais phrase book?' Said Milner just before his speech, followed by 'Bon jaw no... je m'pell a Milner, je habit a in Shalford, dans le soooood de long le ter'- I have used a little artistic license here, but well... not really.
Upholding his duties with the utmost hilarity and professionalism even when giving a speech in a foreign tongue and being usurped by the annoying photographer shouting her head off (that's me for anyone in doubt), Milner pulled off a little beauty of an intro and got the speeches off to a cracking start. I don’t think I have ever seen Jake laugh so hard (see pic). No one has ever laughed so hard. Ever.
Rebecca had many in tears with her beautifully eloquent, funny and heartfelt speech and of course, I cried... as per. Then there was a speech by Matt, her father Richard, best man Alex and her sister Josephine - you'd think they'd all taken classes in comedy because each one had people in hysterics and openly swallowing flies (sorry Jake ;-)) they were just brilliant and ridiculously entertaining.
What a wedding! And what a venue. 800 years of history
all bundled up in imposing stone and brickwork with glorious countryside views and playing host to a right royal English invasion. Tres bizarrely though there was no wooden spoon contender (I KNOW!),
perhaps it was the security detail, or maybe it was being shrouded in French elegance and exquisite
surroundings… perhaps everyone sat up a little straighter, drank a little
slower and spoke a little clearer. Hmm... ;-)
This is one wedding that won’t be forgotten; can’t be forgotten! It was just too beautiful, too much fun and so full of laughter and loveliness that I have struggled do it justice with words. Firstly, Matt and Rebecca and their families should be utterly thanked and praised for their hospitality and hard work. The attention to detail was outstanding. From the beautiful signs, to the make-shift photo-booth, the moustaches, the typewriter, the twinkly lights, the flower boxes, the fortified wine wedding favours (it was those bad boys that got me going at 1am) the outfits, the amazingly delicious food, the speeches, the list is endless... it was wonderful and it all came together perfectly. There was of course the obligatory dance-off between Milner and Brown. Standard. And wigs, berets and baguettes all made their way onto the dance-floor too and big up to Smithy for providing the awesome and brilliantly eclectic tunes. I even managed to bust some moves and take part in a baguette fight until the wee hours. Dom actually took the manky baguette home and ate it 3am. Classy.
There's so much more I could say about this wedding, but I'll let the pictures do the rest of the talking.
Thank you Matt and Rebecca for being such a gorgeous couple to work with, you made my job super easy and I'm just so happy for you both. It was a real honour to be asked to shoot this incredible day and more importantly it's an honour to call you friends. You pulled off a corker! Chapeau!
Go forth, create beautiful things, drink lots of lovely wine, and be happy my dears.
My love and best wishes to you both.
Loukie (et Dom - the most glamourous assistant) xx

1 comment:
absolute fantastic best ive seen in a long time
well done julie francis
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