When James and Michelle asked me to be their photographer, I was thrilled. 'Yay' thrilled! Maybe I did a little jump, I don't recall but then to hear I was the first supplier they contacted, well, I was positively beaming. I shot his sister Katie's wedding in 2012 so it felt like a huge honour to be asked back and very exciting to know there would be some familiar friendly faces to photograph.
Onto the day then and a swift (for London) journey north of the river to West Hampstead to do the getting ready shots at Michelle, James and Dominic's swishy top-floor apartment (enormo room and enormo window... I was happy;-)) There was a lovely atmosphere of nerves and excitement, the obligatory make-up session with make-up artist Jo Freeman, hair sittings with Bethany Alden, all the last minute bits' n' bobs to organise, arrival of the prettiest flowers (Claire Weeks flowers) lots of friendly chatter and lots of stinky cheese (as in what you eat, not the stinky feets type). Michelle took it all in her stride, looking every bit the stunning bride and as soon as she got into that dress (courtesy of Mia Sposa in Hatton Garden), I was bowled over by how beautiful she looked. I think everyone in that room thought exactly the same. Also, clever Kate Johnston strikes again! I am familiar with her dressmaking/bridesmaid skills from Katie's wedding and once again she created all the fabulous bridesmaid dresses - she really is a true talent and lovely with it so big up Miss Johnston! ;-) (http://www.larklin.co.uk)
A short drive on and we arrived at Emmanuel Church which is quite something, I think I can safely use the term 'magnificent'. I was met by an extremely excited Dominic and a very handsome if a little nervous groom - to be expected of course. The rest of the rabble were ear-to-ear grinning with happy anticipation. The service itself was charming and beautifully conducted by Father Jonathan, who has to be the loveliest priest if not the nicest man. Everything went very smoothly and Dominic did his mum and step-dad very proud by conducting the ring-bearer duties with the utmost professionalism ;-) a task he was very keen to get right! And he certainly did!
After the service I hopped in the car with James and Michelle and we went to the canal for their portraits. The light was perfect, and the couple even more so. These guys were just brilliant! There was no Simon-says here. Once they were on their own they visibly relaxed into being photographed and I think really enjoyed it. It goes to show you can never tell what anyone will be like in front of the camera. I thought they'd be shy, but not at all, they forgot I was there and focused on each other... marvellous! We also found this quaint cobbled mews, a stones-throw from Amadeus Centre, perfect for portraits. Sadly there were some cars in the way and a man reading his paper outside his own house (how selfish ;-)) but we managed to navigate the obstacles and create some beaut pics.
Then back to Amadeus for drinking, munching the finest fodder (thank you to Simon Rapkin and his team at Food Events) dancing and merriment. James' love for Michelle is palpable and loving her, means loving Dominic her son, and James really does. As someone who is familiar with the step-family set-up I know the importance of genuine love for someone else's child and James feels it in abundance. His speech had me in tears. He was in tears. Everyone's eyes were watering. Heartfelt, genuine, to the point and he doesn't just love him 'cos he has someone to play Playstation with' - bonus... naturally! But he used his speech to express how much Dominic had brought to his life, what a little dude! So after the lovely sentimental moments, on to the best men's speech which lept straight into groom-bashing of the funniest kind! Well done Ash and Kev... you sailed close, but had everyone in stitches! One of my fave moments though has to be the wall of lights, and the dancing boys. Led by Dominic, they all pulled out the shapes and played for the camera. It was brilliant! Also, when we shot a big bridal party shot my flash didn't fire, but I loved the sillouette effect so thought, it stays!
All in all, this was a beautiful day with some wonderfully poignant moments. Everyone was super friendly, great fun and easy to be around and it was brilliant seeing the McCalden clan again. Thanks to Mikey for assisting and to James and Michelle and Dominic for being so gorgeous, sweet and chilled and utlimately thanks for choosing me... I hope I've done you and your families uber proud :)
Here's to your future together, may it be full of love, happiness and chocolate fountains! We all know a rather handy distributor ;-)
My love and best wishes to you all.
Loukie x

Onto the day then and a swift (for London) journey north of the river to West Hampstead to do the getting ready shots at Michelle, James and Dominic's swishy top-floor apartment (enormo room and enormo window... I was happy;-)) There was a lovely atmosphere of nerves and excitement, the obligatory make-up session with make-up artist Jo Freeman, hair sittings with Bethany Alden, all the last minute bits' n' bobs to organise, arrival of the prettiest flowers (Claire Weeks flowers) lots of friendly chatter and lots of stinky cheese (as in what you eat, not the stinky feets type). Michelle took it all in her stride, looking every bit the stunning bride and as soon as she got into that dress (courtesy of Mia Sposa in Hatton Garden), I was bowled over by how beautiful she looked. I think everyone in that room thought exactly the same. Also, clever Kate Johnston strikes again! I am familiar with her dressmaking/bridesmaid skills from Katie's wedding and once again she created all the fabulous bridesmaid dresses - she really is a true talent and lovely with it so big up Miss Johnston! ;-) (http://www.larklin.co.uk)
A short drive on and we arrived at Emmanuel Church which is quite something, I think I can safely use the term 'magnificent'. I was met by an extremely excited Dominic and a very handsome if a little nervous groom - to be expected of course. The rest of the rabble were ear-to-ear grinning with happy anticipation. The service itself was charming and beautifully conducted by Father Jonathan, who has to be the loveliest priest if not the nicest man. Everything went very smoothly and Dominic did his mum and step-dad very proud by conducting the ring-bearer duties with the utmost professionalism ;-) a task he was very keen to get right! And he certainly did!
After the service I hopped in the car with James and Michelle and we went to the canal for their portraits. The light was perfect, and the couple even more so. These guys were just brilliant! There was no Simon-says here. Once they were on their own they visibly relaxed into being photographed and I think really enjoyed it. It goes to show you can never tell what anyone will be like in front of the camera. I thought they'd be shy, but not at all, they forgot I was there and focused on each other... marvellous! We also found this quaint cobbled mews, a stones-throw from Amadeus Centre, perfect for portraits. Sadly there were some cars in the way and a man reading his paper outside his own house (how selfish ;-)) but we managed to navigate the obstacles and create some beaut pics.
Then back to Amadeus for drinking, munching the finest fodder (thank you to Simon Rapkin and his team at Food Events) dancing and merriment. James' love for Michelle is palpable and loving her, means loving Dominic her son, and James really does. As someone who is familiar with the step-family set-up I know the importance of genuine love for someone else's child and James feels it in abundance. His speech had me in tears. He was in tears. Everyone's eyes were watering. Heartfelt, genuine, to the point and he doesn't just love him 'cos he has someone to play Playstation with' - bonus... naturally! But he used his speech to express how much Dominic had brought to his life, what a little dude! So after the lovely sentimental moments, on to the best men's speech which lept straight into groom-bashing of the funniest kind! Well done Ash and Kev... you sailed close, but had everyone in stitches! One of my fave moments though has to be the wall of lights, and the dancing boys. Led by Dominic, they all pulled out the shapes and played for the camera. It was brilliant! Also, when we shot a big bridal party shot my flash didn't fire, but I loved the sillouette effect so thought, it stays!
All in all, this was a beautiful day with some wonderfully poignant moments. Everyone was super friendly, great fun and easy to be around and it was brilliant seeing the McCalden clan again. Thanks to Mikey for assisting and to James and Michelle and Dominic for being so gorgeous, sweet and chilled and utlimately thanks for choosing me... I hope I've done you and your families uber proud :)
Here's to your future together, may it be full of love, happiness and chocolate fountains! We all know a rather handy distributor ;-)
My love and best wishes to you all.
Loukie x

You have done us uber uber proud, Loukia! As ever, you have captured the moment as only you can. Thank you!
The photos you took are amazing! Michelle - thank you for sharing, it was incredible working with the three of you.
Simon - Food Events
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