All you can do when a bride is stuck in
her dress (designed by none other than herself and made by Danielle Taylor), surrounded by laughing girls trying to be helpful by tucking in her
boobies, is laugh and continue to shoot. When Charlotte emerged (think Chilean
miners after their 69 day ordeal) she was flustered but laughing. This is
highly indicative of her character. I'm sure there is a ruthless business
tycoon-type brainy-person underneath that killer smile, but I don't think I've
ever seen it; just a loving, happy-go-lucky beautiful lady. And how wonderful
then for her to meet someone of equal stature in Tom! I'm sure there is a
ruthless tycoon-type person in him too, but alas it evades me. Maybe they sit
in bed at night plotting to take over the world a la Pinky and The Brain (for
anyone who remembers that little beauty), who knows? Maybe they will, but they'll make
everyone love them first and I’m 100% positive they’ll be late for said
take-over of earth ;-).
Which reminds me, kudos for the entrance!
Amazing! Points deducted for massive pole in my way and big bump on my head,
but hey, it’s not the first time I’ve bashed myself running after a bride and
groom backwards whilst listening to X-factor entrance music.
Tom and Charlotte's big day was one heck
of a success. There was an army of laughter emitting from an army of friends
and family! They invited tonnes of people thinking there would be many 'no can
do's' but, of course, everyone wanted to be there so it was literally an army! Without
a doubt, there was LOTS of alcohol, exceedingly tasty fodder thanks to the caterers Cook and Buttle, some mighty fine
music courtesy of Dave Nicholls, Kenee, Charlotte's sister Rosie - possibly the coolest
Mummy and bridesmaid I have met and her hub Dave Atkinson - they had everyone up and dancing… like loons... I have
serious photographic evidence.
I think there was a dance-off, but I don’t
know who won. Likewise, I’m not sure who won the Wooden Spoon. There were some
real contenders this time, but I don’t think the reigning champion came close.
There was a real babble of wonderful-crazy as* friends from both sides of the
aisle and lest we forget, some very ornate/beautiful and outrageously
ridiculous hats and some rather loud strides. It has to be said, it was an
excellent idea for wedding attire and I think everyone embraced it fully.
Especially the man who wore a headpiece made of a branch with a bird attached.
I must thank Tato for helping as always,
Ed, Els' Dave and Nick - who
all assisted in some very difficult weather conditions. I salute you all!
Charlotte and Tom, I think you are both
the bee’s knees. Where on earth does that expression come from? I just Googled
the 'best celebrity knees' but it appears no one has good knees so I'm sticking
with...Charlotte and Tom, you are the bee's knees! Beautiful inside and
out and not only that, you pulled an amazing wedding out of the bag and you recently did the Etape. I'm so impressed with you two scamps. One mountain closer to
taking over the world hey!
My sincere congratulations to you both and
you know that if it rains on your wedding day, it's super good luck, but I
think you already know that you're pretty lucky. You met each other after
My love and best wishes to
you both.
Loukie xxx