When all you ate as a child was sausages and Branston Pickle then why on earth would you not serve sausage and mash at your wedding? Genius! Even more genius was the unveiling of a big ol’ tub of Branston Pickle as a gift. I heard a huge cheer and legged it in panicking, thinking I had missed a big moment, but no no, it was just the gifting of some chutney haha.
Dan and Emily, what can I say about this lovely pair? They love a bit of Branston… winners in my book! BUT bigger than that, they’re lovely, sweet, unassuming, UNTIL they get on that stage and my word they own it! They forewent the first dance for a first song (Paolo Nutini's 'Loving You') and then their talent smacks you in the chops with a big blue fish (in-wedding joke random readers) and WOW. Emily’s voice is to die for and apparently she is just as good on the piano and y’ know one or two other instruments, but it was Dan tinkling the ivories this time and later on keytar and then you realise you are a mere music-less-being who can’t play one instrument (of course I can play the recorder!! Paaaah, who doesn’t!) when this amazing couple play many. If you have kids chaps, I dread to think of the talent. You’ll probably end up with an accountant ;-) haha (sorry accountants!), but you know they’ll be genius at it!
So it’s a Friday... it’s a wedding, and of course, it's SUNNY. A glorious day, blue skies and a mere 20mins from where I live, Richmond Hill Hotel sits proudly at the gates of the lovely park and that beautiful tree-lined walk, I love it! Such a London gem. To make the most of it, Emily and Dan had everyone wander down to the park at the bottom. We took some snaps, listened to some great music by the band 'Apples, I'm Home' and then wandered back up for more photos.
One of my highlights of the day was the getting ready... I’ve started at the ceremony for the last few weddings so it was wonderful being back with a lovely group of girlies, all excited and so happy for their friend. Hair and make-up was go-go-go with amazing work by the lovely Sarah Birkett and Sherrie Warwick. There was just such a great atmosphere, interesting chats and OMG, the hair on that bunch. MAJOR hair-envy. Especially of the bride, that stunning hair coiffed to perfection and I must say Emily looked totally and utterly gorgeous and so happy. I’m sure she was nervous, but she didn’t show it, she just smiled that incredible smile and enjoyed every minute I think. With her lovely mum, big sis and best girls in tow, she was ready to marry the man she loved.
The ceremony room was crammed full of lots of smiley guests and the ceremony itself was short and sweet, but packed full of emotion. Dan and Emily’s vows to each other were so beautiful, so heartfelt and I have every confidence that these two are truly made for each other. There was a rendition of John Legends 'All of Me' sung so perfectly by bridesmaid Melissa during the signing of the register and some readings by Dan’s sister Kate and Emily’s mum Sue. I don’t think it was easy to keep back the tears!
The speeches were a total hit! The best men nailed it with equal amounts of love and praise but just the right amount of total abuse. I soooo want to know the blue fish story, but alas we were all denied - Dan looked utterly relieved they didn’t share it. They did produce the mother of all hideous shots for him to down though, poor guy! But like all good grooms, he took his punishment with grace, humor and pink cheeks ;-). The girls get it so much easier - only lovely words from Emily’s dad and best friend Charlotte - both so proud and not one incriminating blue fish story in sight!
After the speeches, everyone headed out to set off lanterns. Me being me (mildly risk adverse) I did mumble the words, ‘Isn't this a fire hazard?’ (Shoot me) but YES! Apparently, it is! Haha. In the name of fun and beauty though, who cares! It was so pretty watching them float off into the distance (to start fires over Richmond ;-))
A big shout out must also go to Holly who designed the cake. It was absolutely stunning - simple, elegant and beautifully crafted. Excellent Royal Icing lady! It was fab seeing the Burlington Media girls too (of which Emily is one), I do lots of corporate work for them so it was great seeing them all in their finery and busting some moves on the D-floor.
I loved this wedding for it’s relaxed, easy-going, no airs atmosphere, just fabulous people, a mass of love, lots of fun and cracking music. Oh yes, and a nursery load of kids. It’s actually quite rare to see so many at a wedding, but you can’t beat kids for their joy and cRaZiNeSs and it’s always exciting to dice with potential child-related mishaps at big events! They were all so well behaved though... big up the kiddies!
To finish, I’d like to say, Dan and Emily, your day was awesome, your friends and family are awesome, you're awesome! Your talent is out of this world, (as was the band Fake Tan - totally crazy-mad amazingness - loved them!) and all I’m really left to say is thanks for humoring me and I hope I’ve done you both proud. Go forth, eat sausages and pickle till your heart's content and make beautiful music together. And let me know when you have that accountant, I need a good one ;-)
My love and best wishes to you both,
Loukie xx
The Fab Suppliers....

Dan and Emily, what can I say about this lovely pair? They love a bit of Branston… winners in my book! BUT bigger than that, they’re lovely, sweet, unassuming, UNTIL they get on that stage and my word they own it! They forewent the first dance for a first song (Paolo Nutini's 'Loving You') and then their talent smacks you in the chops with a big blue fish (in-wedding joke random readers) and WOW. Emily’s voice is to die for and apparently she is just as good on the piano and y’ know one or two other instruments, but it was Dan tinkling the ivories this time and later on keytar and then you realise you are a mere music-less-being who can’t play one instrument (of course I can play the recorder!! Paaaah, who doesn’t!) when this amazing couple play many. If you have kids chaps, I dread to think of the talent. You’ll probably end up with an accountant ;-) haha (sorry accountants!), but you know they’ll be genius at it!
So it’s a Friday... it’s a wedding, and of course, it's SUNNY. A glorious day, blue skies and a mere 20mins from where I live, Richmond Hill Hotel sits proudly at the gates of the lovely park and that beautiful tree-lined walk, I love it! Such a London gem. To make the most of it, Emily and Dan had everyone wander down to the park at the bottom. We took some snaps, listened to some great music by the band 'Apples, I'm Home' and then wandered back up for more photos.
One of my highlights of the day was the getting ready... I’ve started at the ceremony for the last few weddings so it was wonderful being back with a lovely group of girlies, all excited and so happy for their friend. Hair and make-up was go-go-go with amazing work by the lovely Sarah Birkett and Sherrie Warwick. There was just such a great atmosphere, interesting chats and OMG, the hair on that bunch. MAJOR hair-envy. Especially of the bride, that stunning hair coiffed to perfection and I must say Emily looked totally and utterly gorgeous and so happy. I’m sure she was nervous, but she didn’t show it, she just smiled that incredible smile and enjoyed every minute I think. With her lovely mum, big sis and best girls in tow, she was ready to marry the man she loved.
The ceremony room was crammed full of lots of smiley guests and the ceremony itself was short and sweet, but packed full of emotion. Dan and Emily’s vows to each other were so beautiful, so heartfelt and I have every confidence that these two are truly made for each other. There was a rendition of John Legends 'All of Me' sung so perfectly by bridesmaid Melissa during the signing of the register and some readings by Dan’s sister Kate and Emily’s mum Sue. I don’t think it was easy to keep back the tears!
The speeches were a total hit! The best men nailed it with equal amounts of love and praise but just the right amount of total abuse. I soooo want to know the blue fish story, but alas we were all denied - Dan looked utterly relieved they didn’t share it. They did produce the mother of all hideous shots for him to down though, poor guy! But like all good grooms, he took his punishment with grace, humor and pink cheeks ;-). The girls get it so much easier - only lovely words from Emily’s dad and best friend Charlotte - both so proud and not one incriminating blue fish story in sight!
After the speeches, everyone headed out to set off lanterns. Me being me (mildly risk adverse) I did mumble the words, ‘Isn't this a fire hazard?’ (Shoot me) but YES! Apparently, it is! Haha. In the name of fun and beauty though, who cares! It was so pretty watching them float off into the distance (to start fires over Richmond ;-))
A big shout out must also go to Holly who designed the cake. It was absolutely stunning - simple, elegant and beautifully crafted. Excellent Royal Icing lady! It was fab seeing the Burlington Media girls too (of which Emily is one), I do lots of corporate work for them so it was great seeing them all in their finery and busting some moves on the D-floor.
I loved this wedding for it’s relaxed, easy-going, no airs atmosphere, just fabulous people, a mass of love, lots of fun and cracking music. Oh yes, and a nursery load of kids. It’s actually quite rare to see so many at a wedding, but you can’t beat kids for their joy and cRaZiNeSs and it’s always exciting to dice with potential child-related mishaps at big events! They were all so well behaved though... big up the kiddies!
To finish, I’d like to say, Dan and Emily, your day was awesome, your friends and family are awesome, you're awesome! Your talent is out of this world, (as was the band Fake Tan - totally crazy-mad amazingness - loved them!) and all I’m really left to say is thanks for humoring me and I hope I’ve done you both proud. Go forth, eat sausages and pickle till your heart's content and make beautiful music together. And let me know when you have that accountant, I need a good one ;-)
My love and best wishes to you both,
Loukie xx
The Fab Suppliers....
The Venue: Richmond Hill Hotel
The Dress: House of Nicholas at Always and Forever
The Suit: Marks and Spencer
Hair and Make-up: Sarah Birkett and Sherrie Warwick
The Caterers: Richmond Hill Hotel
The Cake: Holly McDaid
The Flowers: Marks and Spencer (bouquets)
Long Acre Garden Centre (centrepieces)
The Music: Apples, I'm Home and Fake Tan
The Dress: House of Nicholas at Always and Forever
The Suit: Marks and Spencer
Hair and Make-up: Sarah Birkett and Sherrie Warwick
The Caterers: Richmond Hill Hotel
The Cake: Holly McDaid
The Flowers: Marks and Spencer (bouquets)
Long Acre Garden Centre (centrepieces)
The Music: Apples, I'm Home and Fake Tan

1 comment:
Fabulous pics! looks like a fantastic fun day xx Sarah
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