It's Great Escape, it’s sunny. PROPER sunny.
BUT more importantly it’s Mary and Ruby’s big day and it’s perfect. Blue skies and glorious sun radiating across the mighty land that is Brighton. Conveniently I checked the weather forecast and prepared well by donning my usual all-black ninja get-up so of course, I’M ROASTING. But who cares … I’m wearing my sixties boots and two lovebirds are getting hitched, all is well in the world.
I rocked up to their lovely abode and was welcomed in by a beaming-Mary; there was so much excitement plastered across her face… getting ready had clearly commenced! The usual bubbles and giggles galore, Woody the cat was unimpressed by all the fuss, sisters a plenty, the hair-maestro that is Ioanna was in residence working her magic and the last minute ‘ironing-the-wedding-dress’ moment actually gave me heart palpitations I won't lie. There was a minor hiccup of broken champagne flutes (but we don’t talk about that), and some very happy faces, some mad dashing up and down the stairs and then a quick cab ride to Brighton Town Hall for this couple to say ‘I DO.'
Mary looked absolutely amazing as she floated in on a golden cloud of Jimmy Choos (thanks to big sis Hannah who kindly donated them for Mary’s ’something borrowed’) and I think as soon as Ruby saw her he was simply blown away. ‘As pretty as a picture’ in that adorable dress and with Ruby by her side in a rather swish three-piece tweed number (we love a bit of tweed in my household!) they looked stunning. Like 1940’s movie stars! Oh there were happy tears... sob sob! I think even Tabitha (who clearly thought she was giving the performance of her life on stage at The National;) started to well up a little too. She was lovely and conducted an excellent service which was full of laughter, BIG ol’ heart and lots of little intimate moments between Mary and Ruby… it was very sweet.

BUT more importantly it’s Mary and Ruby’s big day and it’s perfect. Blue skies and glorious sun radiating across the mighty land that is Brighton. Conveniently I checked the weather forecast and prepared well by donning my usual all-black ninja get-up so of course, I’M ROASTING. But who cares … I’m wearing my sixties boots and two lovebirds are getting hitched, all is well in the world.
I rocked up to their lovely abode and was welcomed in by a beaming-Mary; there was so much excitement plastered across her face… getting ready had clearly commenced! The usual bubbles and giggles galore, Woody the cat was unimpressed by all the fuss, sisters a plenty, the hair-maestro that is Ioanna was in residence working her magic and the last minute ‘ironing-the-wedding-dress’ moment actually gave me heart palpitations I won't lie. There was a minor hiccup of broken champagne flutes (but we don’t talk about that), and some very happy faces, some mad dashing up and down the stairs and then a quick cab ride to Brighton Town Hall for this couple to say ‘I DO.'
Mary looked absolutely amazing as she floated in on a golden cloud of Jimmy Choos (thanks to big sis Hannah who kindly donated them for Mary’s ’something borrowed’) and I think as soon as Ruby saw her he was simply blown away. ‘As pretty as a picture’ in that adorable dress and with Ruby by her side in a rather swish three-piece tweed number (we love a bit of tweed in my household!) they looked stunning. Like 1940’s movie stars! Oh there were happy tears... sob sob! I think even Tabitha (who clearly thought she was giving the performance of her life on stage at The National;) started to well up a little too. She was lovely and conducted an excellent service which was full of laughter, BIG ol’ heart and lots of little intimate moments between Mary and Ruby… it was very sweet.
So, confetti, a few formals and then onto The Geese we fled. A sausage fest (oi oi.. herby types!) and an abundance of other foodie delights, hilarity, speeches and woozy nectar were laid out for everyone to enjoy. The speeches were fantastic. Mary’s dad Keith had us all in stitches and welcomed Ruby into the family ‘officially’ with a wee bonny Scottish hat… as y’do. Ruby’s speech was unbelievably heartfelt and a true dedication to his new bride and new family and all in all it was a real pleasure to witness.
Next pub. The Islingword. PUB CRAWL! Not quite, more of a respectable ascent to a larger space with some more lovely guests, loon dancing, a delicious and oh-so pretty cake (made by the fair hands of Ginnie) more drinking and general wedbehaving.
Hannah, Dom and Ginnie all got up and sang to the joy of our ears and everyone literally went nuts on the dance-floor. I don't have to say just how much everyone enjoyed themselves… there are a lot of pictures with a lot of open mouths. Need I say more?! One highlight was watching granddad Keith and grandson Jos embark on a dance-off. Not a sight you see very often, but really should see more of in my humble opinion.
Hannah, Dom and Ginnie all got up and sang to the joy of our ears and everyone literally went nuts on the dance-floor. I don't have to say just how much everyone enjoyed themselves… there are a lot of pictures with a lot of open mouths. Need I say more?! One highlight was watching granddad Keith and grandson Jos embark on a dance-off. Not a sight you see very often, but really should see more of in my humble opinion.
All in all, Mary and Ruby, you organized a blinder of a day! In fact, better then a blinder… whatever is better then a blinder you did it chaps! Bravo. You filled it with everything a damn fine wedding should have... love, happiness and humour. You made it very personal and above all were surrounded by your amazing friends and family. You both looked GORGEOUS, and so happy and in love, it was heartwarming and as wonderful friends, I couldn’t be happier for you. So go forth my lovelies, be happy, love deeply, enjoy the journey and remember to close your mouths when it’s windy, otherwise you might stay that way… F.O.R.E.V.E.R ;-)
With much love, hugs and musings to you both,
Loukie xx

Wow! What memories these photos bring back! Happy, happy day for all. Having our whole family together, all Ruby's family and their friends - what an occasion. Loved every minute of it. Thank you Loukia.
Ooooohh Loukia these are wonderful photos and I love the write up too! Lump in my throat all the way through - you've captured the beauty of the day so well. Happy memories xxx
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