If you go down to the woods today you’re sure of a big surprise… a wonky heart, a lurker and perhaps some kissing groomsmen by a big green bus. It all goes
on at the Sussex Party House. Yes, beware the lurker, the third wheel, the legend... DEANO (kindly assisting [/lurking] whilst we were shooting the portraits). And, beware the kissing groomsmen too... Image ruiners! Oh how I laughed at that little face hovering
in the background and those amorous best men.
So with a happy heart (albeit a wonky one) I say that this was a BIG one… and these clever scamps planned a beauty.
Ladies and gents, I give you Sarah and Owen who are so completely in love (even after 9 years together) it’s like they’ve just met, they simply adore each other and it’s impossible to not get swept up in them and love them a lot. I just wanted to clap like an excitable seal every time I saw them.
So not only are they enviably loved up, they’re gorgeous to boot and in that dress (the Evelyn dress by Phase Eight) and that suit (from Cad and The Dandy tailors on Saville Row)... bejeezus! Sarah looked utterly beautiful and prompting thoughts in my own head of Titania from A Midsummer Night’s Dream. Well done to Ioanna and Ellie for their hair and make-up skills and Joyce (Owen's mum) for the amazing head-dress (she did all the flowers too!!). Sarah has an ethereal beauty with an adorable nature; and so genuinely full of love and kindness I just wanted to squeeze her. Both should count themselves lucky they didn’t get squished by me or worse, a granny cheek squeeze.
Awesome types have awesome weddings and here we had an array of extra quirky bits adding to the all the AWESOMENESS… like sparklers (or wonky heart creators – I could’ve shot forever trying to perfect the heart but alas… sometimes, they just gotta be wonky), tattoos (sticky-on ones, but plenty of real ones too), glow-sticks (big fish, little fish n’all), sunglasses (so you’re not ‘blinded by their love’ ha) the ever essential beer-pong (no girls allowed), hula hoops (Sarah’s mum Vicky has to have been the hula champion), horse-shoe throwing (didn’t fancy smashing a lens by getting too close to that one) and, as if that wasn't enough, a photobooth (courtesy of Baz at Click Snicket). All this to keep the happy masses entertained, and funnily enough, they were!
A delicious afternoon tea with sandwiches and these little meringue thingies (which I could easily steal from small children with zero guilt) were all washed down with some Pimms. I did do 3 scones with jam and cream though and proceeded to feel really sick - Mum always told me to not be so greedy! If that was the appetiser for the day the main course was an amazing Moroccan feast of tagines, breads, salads and spicy yummy things. Bravo Julie and her team at Just Food. It was all delicious.
Equally, everyone enjoyed the amazing music that accompanied the day so thanks to the likes of Roger Styles, Connor O’Reilly and The Black Fields. I thought you were all excellent and I think the angry dancing bunny agreed too - I say angry, because that piñata got it. Guts were well and truly spilled (I've been watching Game of Thrones lately). Monster munch and sweet innards. Nice. Angry bunny kills piñata, but likes getting its groove on to the Black fields. Complex bunny.
Other highlights included their lovely outdoors ceremony given by friend Becky - legal biz was a few days before. And then there was the plane fly-by taking pictures - a special surprise organised by friend Tom who only let them know shortly beforehand with people having a 5 minute warning to wave to the skies. A special moment indeed!
In all, the whole day was perfectly planned to be chilled out, entertaining, personal, pretty as a pretty can be and above all, fun! And when you have people who will happily jump, do sparkler hearts, hold still, smile, kiss, laugh and are generally up for anything without much prompting, you’re onto a winner and you go home happy.
So to Sarah and Owen, thank you for being brilliant and for hiring me to be your photographer, it was an honour and privilege to be part of your day and thank you for putting up with me dragging you off to the woods (‘oy ‘oy sailor). I hope our paths will once again cross. Perhaps in some fine Brighton drinking establishment. I’m all too (lovingly) familiar with them.
I hope you will enjoy your photos and memories for many years to come.
Go forth, love, be happy and stay lovely.
Congrats chaps!
My love and best wishes to you both.
Loukie x