Knock me down with a flying bouquet that
was one groom who could bust some shapes! Now normally I would start at the
beginning... the getting ready part, but no, not this time. For Ben and Anna, we start at the end.
Because we have to pay homage to twinkle toes Ben and his crazy as* moves. Yes
my friends, we have a groover. But most importantly, we had lots of
groovers and some very camera happy people so as you can imagine, I was in my
element standin’ on m’chair and snapping away. Some people did come and use my
legs as a dancing pole, but I guess it’s to be expected…all part of the
service Guvner ;-)
There were a few times at this wedding
where I genuinely felt the tears welling up…the emotion was palpable at the
absence of some very important people and it wasn’t lost on me. The heartfelt
and humoured speeches lead proudly by Anna’s mum (love a good lady speech) had
everyone in stitches, but through watery eyes.
The day was interspersed with an array of milky,
grey cloudiness and bright, blue-sky sunshine, and not one drop of the wet
stuff. Accept on the dance floor where clearly everyone (myself included) was
getting soaked.
This was Anna and Ben’s day and it was
wonderful. Full of everything you expect from a damn fine wedding. Yum food by
the team at Ghyll Manor (always thinking of my stomach first), a little bit of
drama, some last minute U-turns which meant the ceremony could be in the
Orangery. I got a mild telling off for calling it ‘The Hut.’ Apologies to The Orangery for demoting its
status to a lowly hut... I can assure it, I meant no offence. There was also Violinist, Sarah Milner working
her magic and entertaining the crowd during the day, and come nightfall the
entertainment fell to Murdoch’s Crazy Eyes (great name, great band!). The flowers
were so romantic and beautifully crafted and all thanks to the handy work of
Claire (Anna’s sister) who quite frankly should give up the day job and go into
the flower business! Then there was the dress, oh the dress! Designed by Nicola
Anne, it found it’s perfect match in Anna and she looked absolutely incredible
and judging by her constant smile, I think she felt incredible wearing it. Make-up
was by Paulina Szczepanska who did a fabulous job ensuring that smile was primed and those
killer cheekbones rouged! Bravo
I loved this wedding. I loved the prettiness.
I loved the banter over the big group shot, I loved the jokes and the fact that
I’m now known as ‘Loukie, the Baby Hater.’ FYI, I don’t hate babies. I love
babies. I hate prams, prams in shot. I hate this. I love the fact that everyone
was having such a wonderful time they laughed at my rubbish jokes and generally
just laughed A LOT. I loved this lot. Super friendly and camera happy… what a
wonderful bunch and a wonderful day!
I’ve said it a thousand times before, but an
ace bunch comes from an ace couple. And they’re a gorgeous couple too. Anna and Ben,
your day was perfect and you were such a pleasure to work with. I love the fact
you’re both notoriously bad at making decisions, I think it’s funny, but
hopefully you made the right decision in choosing me to capture your day and hopefully
(hope, hope) I have done you proud.
I wish you all the happiness and love you
both deserve, and here’s to many years of umming and ahhing together. I
suggest flipping a coin ;-)
My love and best wishes to you both,
Loukie xx