Last Sunday
was rather novel… a beautiful wedding on my doorstep! Not literally, but a hop
and a skip to Fulham Palace to photograph Rachel and Steve's mini-wedding. I
say ‘mini’ because it was condensed into an afternoon, yet it had all the lovely
trappings of a full day...excitement, smiles, tears, champagne, food, laughter,
lots of love and of course a little drama. No self-respecting wedding can call
itself a wedding without it! And it was all perfectly topped off by a wonderful
couple and their loving families.
Rachel looked beautiful, an absolute picture in a rather gorgeous lace number! And whilst it’s a little normal for the bride to keep others waiting, on this afternoon, it was Rachel who was kept waiting… 'What man would do that to his bride?' I hear you cry? Well ‘men’ (er hem) who are 3ft tall with cheeky little grins and smelly bottoms. Yes, Rachel and Steve's little boys were late (tut tut taxi firm!). But fear not, the boys arrived shortly after and so the celebration could commence! Hurrah! And Phew!
The ceremony was held in the Great Hall and followed by a blessing (another hop and skip) down the corridor to an exquisite little chapel. Yes, Fulham Palace has it all! After the ceremony, everyone piled back into The Great Hall for a traditional tea party followed but some lovely heartfelt speeches.
There are times in life when we all sit back and watch the scene in front of us, and it warms our hearts. This was one of those times. Watching the kids running about, laughing and shrieking, completely distracting the speakers, everyone was smiling and laughing and it was just wonderful.
Rachel and Steve are an amazing couple. Equally talented and it's clear to see the love and respect they have for each other and, whilst they have been together a long time, I can see they have weathered life's little jokes with good humour, love and - above all – laughs (Rachel has a cracking one!).
To finish, I’d like to thank them for letting me be part of their special day and wish them the very best for their future together. Keep loving and laughing and I think you'll be simply amazing.
Loukie x
P.S. So happy to see Helen and Tom again and meet the 'Bump' - so very exciting!!! x