Ok, so we have snow, skis, ski boots, ski lifts, vin chaud, fires that roar, a mountain backdrop, wowzers… I’M FINALLY SKIING! No, no... I’m actually at a wedding. Daisy and Olly’s beautiful snow-capped wedding of AWESOME. They're ski, kite surfing-adrenaline crazies (level of crazy can be measured by the fact they went skinny dipping in the sea IN JANUARY the night of the wedding.. err yup, cRaaaaZy). So when Daisy said her family don’t do things by halves, slap-me-on-the-face-with-a-frozen-trout she wasn’t joking. No detail was left to chance, they must have worked their heated-socks-off the day before, because it was brilliant. There was even a snow machine at the church, and one at Southend Barns, and her little niece Lilly even entered the church on a sleigh pulled by Abigail (her other niece), it was too cute!
There were beer barrels, snow boots, antique skis, pine cones, lanterns, a massive ski/could be 80’s themed or Russian-esque dressing up box, a ski-lift photo booth area-type-thingie. The main course, (but of course) was tartiflette, all glowingly guzzled down with shots of Jagermeister. Rewind to earlier and Daisy, her bridesmaids, and mama-bride Candi were all dressed in matching PJ’s. It’s all in the details people! There were even ski cufflinks for heaven’s sake. Oof I didn’t know where to start and I have had one to two nervous moments thinking, ‘Did I get everything?’ because dear peeps, THERE WAS A LOT! It was stunning, I was seriously impressed. Daisy and Olly should be incredibly proud because their guests were red faced (ski-tanned) and loving it, the drink flowed, the food was devoured, the groom's and best man’s speeches were both sprinkled with a full on dumping of comic genius, the laughter was infectious (I properly chuckled my way through it) and my personal fave – because I think about my stomach a lot – the amazing hotdogs at the end of the night. I shoved that thing in my mouth so fast I had heartburn the whole way home... hic...
BUT BUT BUT I haven’t even got to the main bit… yes yes they got married in a beautiful church, St. James in Birdham, yes yes very important obvs. but... (rubs hands together) THEY GOT A HELICOPTER TO THE RECEPTION!! Who does that? Haha. They do, ‘cos they’re awesome! Daisy’s brother Sam piloted the chopper and chop chop off they went up in the sky to the loud cheers and waves from their guests. Definitely don’t do things by halves this lot. Then to top it off Daisy and Olly did a pretty nifty dance number and ended with the lift from Dirty Dancing (!!!). I thought that was pretty impressive but when I saw how often they both were lifted and crowd surfed I realised this is probably a regular thing for them, y’know Friday night après-ski antics n'all...
All this just makes me want to go skiing or have Daisy organise my wedding yuh huh.
They chose some great suppliers… moi of course (... oh stop it...), lovely videographer Alex Haynes www.weddingmemories.org.uk, fab catering by Field and Fork www.fieldandfork.co.uk, the brilliant Great Scott Band who had everyone up and dancing like loons www.greatscottband.com, and all the ladies were beautifully coiffed by Mark Lewis and his team PLUS who better to do your make-up than your own mama! Bravo Candi not only did you produce a beauty in Daisy but you made her look amazing on her wedding day too. And that gorgeous dress! At the end of the night said dress' hem was totally brown, as were her shoes. Sign of a seriously good wedding in my opinion! Lest I forget the groom, the handsome groom, dressed to impress and impress he did. With his hipflask (pokey man liquor... wedding essential!) good humour and groomsmen by his side, he was ready to marry the woman he loves ahhh.
I could go on and on, and on and on… but I shall leave with saying what a crowd, what a couple, what a day! Hopefully they loved every minute of it and didn't end up with hypothermia. ;-)
So Daisy and Olly, you crazy kids... here's wishing you the very best for your action/fun filled lives together, I feel positively envious of your energy and zest for life and adventure... go forth, keep safe, and my top tip to you (in the words of Frank Zappa), 'Watch out where the huskies go, and don't you eat that yellow snow!' Over n' out.
My love, and eskimo kisses to you both,
Loukie x
N.B. To view larger images please click on the first photo and scroll through... happy viewing :)

There were beer barrels, snow boots, antique skis, pine cones, lanterns, a massive ski/could be 80’s themed or Russian-esque dressing up box, a ski-lift photo booth area-type-thingie. The main course, (but of course) was tartiflette, all glowingly guzzled down with shots of Jagermeister. Rewind to earlier and Daisy, her bridesmaids, and mama-bride Candi were all dressed in matching PJ’s. It’s all in the details people! There were even ski cufflinks for heaven’s sake. Oof I didn’t know where to start and I have had one to two nervous moments thinking, ‘Did I get everything?’ because dear peeps, THERE WAS A LOT! It was stunning, I was seriously impressed. Daisy and Olly should be incredibly proud because their guests were red faced (ski-tanned) and loving it, the drink flowed, the food was devoured, the groom's and best man’s speeches were both sprinkled with a full on dumping of comic genius, the laughter was infectious (I properly chuckled my way through it) and my personal fave – because I think about my stomach a lot – the amazing hotdogs at the end of the night. I shoved that thing in my mouth so fast I had heartburn the whole way home... hic...
BUT BUT BUT I haven’t even got to the main bit… yes yes they got married in a beautiful church, St. James in Birdham, yes yes very important obvs. but... (rubs hands together) THEY GOT A HELICOPTER TO THE RECEPTION!! Who does that? Haha. They do, ‘cos they’re awesome! Daisy’s brother Sam piloted the chopper and chop chop off they went up in the sky to the loud cheers and waves from their guests. Definitely don’t do things by halves this lot. Then to top it off Daisy and Olly did a pretty nifty dance number and ended with the lift from Dirty Dancing (!!!). I thought that was pretty impressive but when I saw how often they both were lifted and crowd surfed I realised this is probably a regular thing for them, y’know Friday night après-ski antics n'all...
All this just makes me want to go skiing or have Daisy organise my wedding yuh huh.
They chose some great suppliers… moi of course (... oh stop it...), lovely videographer Alex Haynes www.weddingmemories.org.uk, fab catering by Field and Fork www.fieldandfork.co.uk, the brilliant Great Scott Band who had everyone up and dancing like loons www.greatscottband.com, and all the ladies were beautifully coiffed by Mark Lewis and his team PLUS who better to do your make-up than your own mama! Bravo Candi not only did you produce a beauty in Daisy but you made her look amazing on her wedding day too. And that gorgeous dress! At the end of the night said dress' hem was totally brown, as were her shoes. Sign of a seriously good wedding in my opinion! Lest I forget the groom, the handsome groom, dressed to impress and impress he did. With his hipflask (pokey man liquor... wedding essential!) good humour and groomsmen by his side, he was ready to marry the woman he loves ahhh.
I could go on and on, and on and on… but I shall leave with saying what a crowd, what a couple, what a day! Hopefully they loved every minute of it and didn't end up with hypothermia. ;-)
So Daisy and Olly, you crazy kids... here's wishing you the very best for your action/fun filled lives together, I feel positively envious of your energy and zest for life and adventure... go forth, keep safe, and my top tip to you (in the words of Frank Zappa), 'Watch out where the huskies go, and don't you eat that yellow snow!' Over n' out.
My love, and eskimo kisses to you both,
Loukie x
N.B. To view larger images please click on the first photo and scroll through... happy viewing :)