I was hired for
only a few hours at Charlie and Pat's wedding, but needless to say it was a
cracking few hours, packed with so much and so many brilliant personalities, I
hardly had time to blink. Charlie has to be the funniest, most easy-going and
humble bride I have come across. Made all the more gorgeous because she just
doesn't realise how beautiful she looked and what a lovely bride she made. Her
bridesmaids were hilarious and a true credit to her too. Equally, Pat's
groomsmen were a cracking bunch, up for anything and of course there was the obligatory
groom-bashing. Take best man Rob,
trying to get my attention during the service, laughing and pointing to Pat's shoes so I'd take a picture.
A big old sticky label sat proudly on display. I of course obliged.
I have met a lot of them before as I shot Pat's cousin Emma's wedding and Pat's mum Chrissie's wedding so it was awesome seeing so many familiar faces again. Kudos to Chrissie too for making the stunning bouquets!
Their service was held at St. Marys in Chiddingfold and was given by Revd Sarah Brough, and the best bit had to be that their little doggy Bill was the ring bearer. It was too cute. He conducted his duties with the utmost professionalism... naturally. But it has to be said, he did look a tad nervous. One might say a little shaky, bless him. It's not easy doing something in front of a church full of people, all eyes on you. Ask any bride and groom! I loved Bill. Everyone loved Bill. The cutest little ring bearer doggie out there!
After the service, everyone mosied on over to Charlie and Pat's house and there, in all it's glory, stood a massive tee-pee beautifully decorated. There was a big inviting fire in the middle, pumpkins with their initials carved in them (loved this, it was Halloween time after all), a gorgeous cake made by Pat's brother's girlfriend Emma. If that wasn't enough, she also did everyone's make-up and hair... clever lady! There was also some amazing live music from Covent Garden buskers Dean and Dave and then outside, scattered hay bales, lanterns, tents, bunting, a big roasting pig sizzled away and all sorts of loveliness dotted the land. It was perfect. A very relaxed, fun and personable affair, and I think, very indicative of Charlie and Pat as a couple. And when the bridemaids decide to lift a groom and immediately proceed to drop him, you know... this is a good bunch and a awesome wedding.
So to finish, I would like to wish you both, Charlie and Pat, all the very best for your life together... may it be filled with all things amazing and wonderful... bikes, horses, Bill and lots of time spent with your lovely friends and families.
Go forth, be merry and always remember to take the labels off your shoes ;-)
With much love to you both.
Loukie x

A big old sticky label sat proudly on display. I of course obliged.
I have met a lot of them before as I shot Pat's cousin Emma's wedding and Pat's mum Chrissie's wedding so it was awesome seeing so many familiar faces again. Kudos to Chrissie too for making the stunning bouquets!
Their service was held at St. Marys in Chiddingfold and was given by Revd Sarah Brough, and the best bit had to be that their little doggy Bill was the ring bearer. It was too cute. He conducted his duties with the utmost professionalism... naturally. But it has to be said, he did look a tad nervous. One might say a little shaky, bless him. It's not easy doing something in front of a church full of people, all eyes on you. Ask any bride and groom! I loved Bill. Everyone loved Bill. The cutest little ring bearer doggie out there!
After the service, everyone mosied on over to Charlie and Pat's house and there, in all it's glory, stood a massive tee-pee beautifully decorated. There was a big inviting fire in the middle, pumpkins with their initials carved in them (loved this, it was Halloween time after all), a gorgeous cake made by Pat's brother's girlfriend Emma. If that wasn't enough, she also did everyone's make-up and hair... clever lady! There was also some amazing live music from Covent Garden buskers Dean and Dave and then outside, scattered hay bales, lanterns, tents, bunting, a big roasting pig sizzled away and all sorts of loveliness dotted the land. It was perfect. A very relaxed, fun and personable affair, and I think, very indicative of Charlie and Pat as a couple. And when the bridemaids decide to lift a groom and immediately proceed to drop him, you know... this is a good bunch and a awesome wedding.
So to finish, I would like to wish you both, Charlie and Pat, all the very best for your life together... may it be filled with all things amazing and wonderful... bikes, horses, Bill and lots of time spent with your lovely friends and families.
Go forth, be merry and always remember to take the labels off your shoes ;-)
With much love to you both.
Loukie x