What makes Lesley and Jeremy’s day so amazing is that once upon a time in the past, they were an item. I absolutely love this! Jeremy looking cool on his motorbike, cigarette in hand, with Lesley looking gorgeous on the back, curly locks blowing in the wind. I see it now. And here we are on their wedding day, just a few years, a few kids and a host of life down the line and they’re back together and saying I do. Minus the cigarettes and bike, but looking equally as good. It just goes to show that you never quite know what life has in store and that happiness can strike at any time. And wow, if happiness was an expression it would be Lesley’s and Jeremy’s. Both have big beautiful smiles and there wasn’t a moment throughout the day when these smiles weren't on display.
Lesley looked absolutely beautiful. Everything was perfect; stunning hair by Sharleen Oldaker (as a fellow curly-haired brunette, I had curl envy!), picture perfect make-up by Camilla Drummond and that gorgeous and unique dress made especially for her by Janet Kent - she cried tears of joy when she saw her reflection. And what a fabulous lady Lesley is... Hilarious with a capital H and so lovely to be around! But of course, every gorgeous bride needs a gorgeous groom and Jeremy didn’t disappoint! Looking rather handsome in a Ted Baker number, armed with his Best Man (and brother-in-law) Glen and the ‘retrieved-at-the-last-minute cake’, he was ready to marry the woman he loves.
Throughout the day, Videographer Matt and I kept saying what an awesome bunch they were, and they really were. Everyone was super friendly, totally nuts (good nuts, not ‘nuts nuts’) and just up for anything. Silly faces, jumps, jokes, hard-men poses... you name it. No stony faces here! They were a small and select group but their energy and enjoyment made it feel like this wedding had a 100+ guests of the highest order. But judging by Lesley and Jeremy, of course everyone was going to be a lovely.
The speeches were excellent too, full of humour and hearty wishes. Glen mentioned he had a hard act to follow considering Jeremy's brother Simon was a former comedy writer, but he did brilliantly and probably received the best gift I've seen at a wedding ;-) a remote control helicopter. Genius!
One of my favourite moments was Operation put ‘Lezza 4 Jezza' sign on car. Lesley and Jeremy probably thought I was going a bit overboard whilst shooting their portraits. I kept saying, ‘Ummm...' Looking over my shoulder, 'Let’s take a few more shots here, and here, and here, and maybe here… ooh how how about over here?… It’s sooooo pretty!’ I was hiding them from what was really going on… getting the sign on quick, quick! When they saw it emblazoned on the windscreen, there was a lot of laughter as you can imagine (much to Lesley’s good-humoured dismay) but it was very funny and a lovely moment. Another highlight was at the end of the night in the honeymoon suite, Matt was filming, I was shooting away and Lesley and Jeremy were lying on the bed. Oh there were jokes, naturally, but it was very sweet actually. I love the feet shot :)
The whole day was held at Bailiffscourt in Climping, an amazing medieval looking venue that you would think dated back 500 years but was actually built in the 1930’s and is utterly gorgeous and very elegant. The Music Room was a perfect space for a small intimate wedding and sit-down soiree and it was decorated with the most romantic flowers and candles, (thanks to the clever ladies at Kate Avery Flowers) it was just exquisite.
I’ll be shooting their big wedding party in December so I really look forward to seeing everyone again and meeting more of their friends and family.
But until then, Lesley and Jeremy... I wish you every ounce of happiness and my heartfelt congratulations. You were both great fun to work with and just so easy-going and welcoming - I felt genuinely privileged to be part of your magical day, thank you!
My love and best wishes to you both.
Loukie x