Monday, 16 July 2012

Nice day for a Nicholls wedding...

What can I say…dance-offs, accordions, world famous recording studios, SUNSHINE, lots of pregnant woman and their arch-enemy boooooze, the wooden spoon (also the arch-enemy of booze), lanterns, the red carpet, megaphone Jules, Milner, glamorous Mums and Dads, crazy friends and most importantly, David ‘I need to have a mix’ Nicholls (also widely known as Rave Alert/Knickers/Dave) and his beautiful bride, Anna.

Great weddings tend to follow great couples and this one was no exception. Dave and Anna are legends. I know them, have known them and intend to know them for a very long time and so I’m in the wonderful position to write this post from a personal perspective and speak candidly about them and their day. David and I go back to the balmy, hazy days of teen-hood Haslemere, and whilst I could say so many things to shame him (‘raaaaaw sewage’ and the such like) I shall just say (in a weird friendship way) how proud I was of him for bagging such a fabulous lady and getting married in true style!

I was very honored to be asked to do this one and I had no qualms in taking up my post. What I wasn’t prepared for was the utter terror I felt on the morning of the wedding and the day after. I normally feel very nervous at any wedding, but this one was different. There was a lot to live up to. I know everyone, including all the family members and as always, I want to do an amazing job and not let anyone down. I hope that I have done them proud and I hope none of my friends will hate me for including the drunken dancing shots. You're all beauties. 

The wedding was held at Ridge Farm, a stunning country estate set in acres of private land with a swimming pool, tennis court, the studio (Pearl Jam recorded Ten here!!!), stunning views; the perfect location for a country humanist wedding (the legal biz was conducted the day before.) The weather was beautiful and the atmosphere electric. Many of the guests were staying in the house so it felt very personal and very relaxed.

The getting ready shots ensued with the normal gaggle of girls, Kez, Els, Charlotte and of course Anna. Hair courtesy of Alex James Fairbairn and make-up by Natacha Schmitt and I must say they did excellent work, the girls scrub up something gorgeous (although it’s not really hard for them.) I loved Anna’s hair…’Very Bridgette Bardot’ I kept muttering and her dress was incredible and she looked, well...simply sensational.

The best men and ushers (all gzillion of them) looked very dashing and well I’m glad they looked pretty because they were pretty poor at ushering.  Shameful displays of enjoying the wedding instead of attending to duties, but we forgive them because it’s what they do best and we love them for it. Tom, you were brilliant, thank you! And likewise Kenee, Jules and Dusty…well done guys! Cosmos, winner of the wooden spoon/destroyer of Hamish’s shirt. Well done to you too.

As with all my weddings I could write and write and write about them, but I have to keep it short and sweet so to finish off I would like to thank my glamorous assistant, Dom, all the beautiful people for attending, Dave and Anna’s families for being such fun and a pleasure to deal with, to my drunken friends (you’re all idiots) and lastly to the beautiful couple, I would like to thank you for hiring me, I hope you love the images and I would also like to thank you for loving each other. Without you, there wouldn’t have been another amazing Nicholl’s wedding. I wish you every bit of love and luck in your life together and just remember, I photograph babies too ‘ey ‘ey sailors?!

So much love to you both.

Loukie xx